Dec 9, 2020Liked by Antonia Malchik

Hi Antonia, your writing is excellent and challenges me (ie. long vs short term thinking is a good example), I love that. And such breath - techie economics to philosophy to geology and more, wonderful! Loved your example of the trees, funny my wife and I did something similar :-). To go even deeper, read a book (I have several recommendations if interested) on the death of the Universe as we know it now (hint - Thermodynamics rules :-)) and if everything is gone, why bother? Some wonderful thoughts from cosmologists about this. I like your Grandma, btw - I try and live by this: "Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can". Thanks for your recommendations on what to read/listen to! Have you heard of or listened to Dr. Osterholm relative to the pandemic? What about Mark Manson? Would love to draw a Venn diagram of who we read/listen to! Finally, I am an unabashed Trekkie, but for the original TV show and some of the movies (so glad my son also likes the original series). Live long and prosper (and keep writing! Is your book out?). Best Paul

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So, so en pointe: "I’m not so sure that humanity is incapable of working to build a world that will benefit our great-great-grandchildren so much that it’s in the interests of capitalism to convince us that we’re incapable of it."

Thank you, Antonia, for this food for thought. I look forward to each new essay!

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