Sitemap - 2023 - On the Commons

The starlight of integrity

Competence Lost

Co-imagine the future

When you can't walk away

Abundance, or what it means to be free

The gravity of a labyrinth

Walking, sweetgrass, and tending to attention

Identity & Belonging in Science Fiction and Fantasy

Science should get muddy (and sniff some mountain lion pee)

On loss, and those who gift us with belonging

Sometimes there's a right answer, sometimes you sit by a creek, and sometimes they're the same thing

It's only community if everybody has a place

Land Back

Like time turned to water

Wealth is a hand stained with gifts

White settler "anxiety"

If a bear starts to eat you

No Trespassing

Private Property

There's good in this world worth fighting for

Stitching something to life

Lighthearted enough to fly

Planting potatoes, unearthing the past

"I just want us to be good to each other"

In the paths of butterflies

Brief announcements

Readings on land ownership

In the collisions of life, what choices do we have?

Reading "Nature's Trust: Environmental Law for a New Ecological Age," Mary Christina Wood

To break open the heart-shaped box

Where time and attention remain whole

Reading "The Book of Trespass," by Nick Hayes

Nature's not here for the stoke

Walking with faith

Darkness in the lights

Reading "Second Treatise of Government," by John Locke

Burn it down, build it up; catch the light, and the falling

Brief announcements

Metaphors we live by

Reading "Commentaries on the Laws of England in Four Books," by William Blackstone

Writing in the commons of ideas

Attending to our attention

Planting the seeds of subversion

Reading "Progress & Poverty," by Henry George

Stories are porous (so are we)

Who sees the best of ourselves?

Reading "Our History Is the Future: Standing Rock Versus the Dakota Access Pipeline, and the Long Tradition of Indigenous Resistance," by Nick Estes

Every river begins with a breath